i already extract all the points but i kinda blank in writing the introduction...
hmm maybe i can put the videos in here one day...hiii
last three days...
i was in PULAKOR IPSAH...
it was fine and fun..
got the chance to mingle with the KPLI seniors..
first impressions, i thought they were the boring kindof person...
and me myself didnt make the first move to get to know them cuz of their origins..
zzz yeah2 i'm becoming prejudice..
terasa sangatttlaa fobia to get to know them cuz 99% of the KPLI in the KRS are SABAHANS..
i juz cant stand their dialect etc2...
it reminds me of stg that i dun want to remember nymore...
shoot man..it was hard for me...
tried to avoid them..
but they are too nice...
they always greet me and smile and jokes around...
it makes me feel ashamed of my attitude...
being snobbish without reason...
so, after putting up our tent, i went and help the seniors with the gadget and tried to
chit-chatting with em...it went fine..
we sat together and talking and joking to break the ice...and few minutes after that, i was
joined with sue and ridz..
The seniors are fun to be with...
they loved to tease and smile...
soo nice of them...
slowly,my tense starts to fly away...
at that time, there were kak marliana,kak nicolete,kak irene, jhony,alexson,whilethshire
and errr some more...can't remember their name plus dont know how to spell their name...
the climax of our memories would be the STEAMROLLER!!
the one that i wont never forget...
guess what??
all the KRS members were late to kuliah subuh at so called dewan...
in fact none of us go...hihihi
we just pray in our own tent.. :D
without any guilt ouh...
soooo,after mornink assembly, we were called by tuan nor azam and incik mat salleh i
think...x engat sudah spa yg ada d stu...
we were asked to run to the corner of the what we called 'lapangan kawat'...
and we were forced to lie on the ground with our full uniform...
and guess what happen next???
heee we were given static command while lying on the ground...rolling
there...backward left and right...though its quite hurt cuz all my hp's and mp3 was in my
pocket while i need to roll around, but it is fun...
then we were asked to fly at 30000 feet from air plane...
hahah juz 'FLY' in our mind meh...
hands and legs on the air...rolling left and right....
for about 50 m i can say?
dunno la...too many rolling here and there...
hihihii it was demn fun dude..
u wont get it anywhere else..
who was that lunatic who purposely want to lie on the tar and rolling2 like lil bugsy?
none aite??
:)) but we did...in teams yoo....
and its fun...
then the night before our rollersteam was on,
we need to prepare a performance...
and we comes out with tarian sumazau...
we change the lyrics and we dance...
some sang and some dance....
and i just want to help the dancers with the costumes...
i know how to dance that tarian la...
but i can't dance...
still felin fragile inside...
if i was in the dance line..
i am afraid i would burst out in front of the audience...
listening to the sabahan's chit chatting also already flew me farrr across the sea...
inikan pulak nak menari..
nda tahan jua bha..
i was praying hard that afternoon that i can enjoy their performance that nite..
and luckily my pray is heard...
i was having fun watching them dancing that nite..
and i managed to seal my mind from wandering farr farrrrr away...
duduk diam2 dlm kotak minda..jgn merayap g peti minda yang laen..
and luckily..minda saya duduk diam2 cam tikus..
i do feel lucky inside..
while i was on the bus heading to IPSAH...
ekhsan called me..
and finally i managed to spill everythings out...
naseb baek time tu berhenti rehat unt breakfast..
so i ran towards the nearest tree and hid there while talking to ekhsan...
tears rolling again i think but not so hard
finally i think i found the right person to talk to...
because we were in the same boat..
he know how i felt cuz he used to face the same thing i am facing right now...
ekhsan advices at that time...
Xsan :zie,juz cried...for once..nanges puas2..pas tu jgn ingat dah...
kita xleh bwad papa...ekhsan tahu apa azie rasa..ekhsan pun kna yg sma at ur age...
kita hanya leh bersabar..kita x leh wat papa sebab dia xnk berusaha dan it involves
azie : 'tapi san..sakit sgt nk hadapi..azie xtahu nak bangun balik cane..nk berguling pun
da x reti ni...rasa dia x sama cam yang biasa2..'
Xsan : *laughing* slowly la makcik...kwn2 ada..family kita ada...
azie : 'san da jumpa esya..dia baek...'
Xsan : 'hihi amek sethn dua gak zie...bukan senang...juz live ur life first...forget
everything..sabaq...tu ja yg kita leh bwad..'
hmmm then suddenly line hilang..so terputus perbualan...
but it was more than enof..cuz he knew how i felt...
and i already promised to ezyani and ekhsan...
i will forget everything and move on..
no more tears...
he doesnt deserve anything from me...
whatever his reasons are..he doesnt deserve me...
he already make a big mistakes by not being true to me...
true frenz will owez be there whenever we need em...
xsan,yanie,ody,faez,anware,hyst,abe ensem(rumate), and rmai g.
true frenz will owez hear u talk wlaupun we keep repeating the same things...
they will owez try to make us feel better inside out..
and for that,only god can repay ur deed..
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