gosh seyesly x tenang jiwa selagi x langsaikan janji...
before i was off for BTN last week, i've made a promise to you guys aite...
you couldnt remember??
hmmm let us recall your long lost memory back ^^ ...
haa da ingat??
blurr ek? hehehe
well well readers, mmg la blur cuz the one you read just now is the big topic...
to be exact, i've promised you guys to talk about this thing...
oOoopss!aaa terlebey sudaa....
the story starts like this...
it was a disastrous day for Alor Star's citizen...
suddenly we were asked to evacuate our home due to the fast current of water flowing right from Jln Sultanah...
In just in an hour, the water level rose to the knee level...
fast and scary i would say....
First thing first for everyone to save is their VEHICLES....
Everybody was busy making sure their cars,motorcycles, bicycles etc2 to be out from the flood area...
The nearest place to park 'them' is at our next neighbourhood...
Taman Medah fasa 2 and the new taman that i never ever have the curiosity to know what its name is...
ok bad me! XD
ok2 back to the topic...
so we park there...
near the masjid pknk already since it is full houz...
gmbar hiasa je.. tapi korang byg2kan la cane parking kt housing area kan... |
anyway, we still use our common sense la..
xkan nak parking depan pagar rumah orang kan..
how will the owner nak get out from his houz kan...
harus la we olzzz parking atas divider jalan dan TAK BLOCK laluan orang lain...
and the best part is....
you know whatt??
there is one hamba allah yang sangat tak bersyukur sebab rumah dia tak kena banjir kann ......
dia leh sound one of my penduduk taman for parking in front of and near his houz...
orang tgh2 darurat....
bukan nak tolong....
dia just duduk diam2 dalam rumah....
layan tv...
not even asking how r u doing....
tak de inisiatif for atleast nak menjenguk jiran tetangga yang kesusahan kt luar tu ha..
nowadays, semangat kejiranan da lupus bersama arus kemodenan...
![]() |
budi bahasa mau ada beb~ |
Melayu oh melayu...
di mana adat dan budaya yang kita junjung???
tak considerate langsung...
sampai xleh tumpang parking tepi umah die..
this incident was being told to us (neighbours) when we were resting at the flood centre....
i felt very sad....
ye la..
at leats i am still lucky cuz i have another houz to turn to when we were asked to evacuate kan..
but the rest of my neighbours,
they slept under the stars accompanied by the moon...
*haa amek kau bahasa!bunga melayu jadi inggeris XD*
luckily there is someone who is considerate enof to set up a tent for the ladies to rest...
and that particular pakcik yang x considerate tu hanya tengok dan x membantu pun walaupuan
the tent was set up right in front of his houz...
Musibah dah melanda tetapi masih ramai yang belum sedar peluang yang ALLAH bagi untuk kita perbaiki diri kita...
Ujian diturunkan untuk kita rebut peluang untuk tambahkan iman...
tak gitu?
correct me if i am wrong...
betul, setuju cakap akak..
kdg2, Allah timpakan musibah pd orang lain sbb nak kita sedar and aware ape yang berlaku disekeliling kita..
contoh la, kenapa kita berpuasa?
sebab kita boleh merasa penderitaan org yg ssh tak makan..
kdg2, bila kita nampak org ssh, masa itulah Allah uji hambaNya, adakah kita akan menolong sesama umat Islam?
Ujian yg diberi oleh Allah untuk menguji Iman hambaNya..
Kita sesama Islam merupakan saudara. walaupun bukan saudara sedarah tapi kita saudara seagama..
Semoga hamba Allah itu diberi petunjuk and sedar akan stiap tanduk dia..
^^ nk marah2 pn sbenarnya x de guna kan...mari kita rmai2 doa supaya allah bukakan hati mereka2 smua dan kita2 semua ^^
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